dimarts, 1 de febrer del 2011


La primera Ale de tipus anglès que vaig provar va ser a Canadà. A la província d’Alberta. El nom de la cervesa era Traditional Ale de la cervesera Big Rock. Va ser beure la primera pinta i tot va encaixar: jo podria beure aquella cervesa cada dia. I, de fet, ho vaig fer durant més d’un mes. Mai havia tastat una cosa tan bona com aquella.
Quan vaig tornar al país, em vaig haver de conformar a beure Newcastle Brown Ale, que era el que més s’assemblava i podia trobar al Carrefour. Vaig tardar a cansar-me’n (potser per la manca d’alternatives) i com a Ale per a beure cada dia no està malament però ara ja trobe més aiguada i rovellada que altra cosa. D’aquí vaig passar a comprar ampolles per internet, etc.
Però podríem dir que la Trad (com li diuen els canadencs) és l’inici del meu gust per la cervesa bona de debò.

First time I had an English Ale was in Canada. In the province of Alberta. The name of the beer was Traditional Ale from the Big Rock Brewery. I drank the first pint and everything fit: that was the beer I would drink every day. And indeed, I did it for over a month. I had never tasted something as good as that ale.
When I returned to the Catalonia, the only alternative was Newcastle Brown Ale, which was the most similar that I was able to find in the supermarket. It took me some time before getting tired of it (maybe for lack of alternatives) and it was not really bad as the ale to drink daily… but now I find it more rusty and watery than pleasant. Then I decided to buy bottles from internet shops, etc..
But we can say that Trad (as Canadians call him) is the beginning of my 

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